At Health Care Institute we use state-of-the-art diagnostic equipment to assess your condition. Equipment that we have include:

An electrocardiogram (EKG, ECG) is a test that measures the electrical signals that control the rhythm of your heartbeat. EKG test results may show:
- Evidence of heart enlargement
- Signs of insufficient blood flow to the heart
- Heart rhythm problems (arrhythmias)
- Signs of a new or previous injury to the heart (heart attack)
Treadmill Stress Testing

A treadmill stress test is often ordered in the following circumstances:
- Patients with symptoms or signs that are suggestive of coronary artery diseases (CAD)
- Patients with significant risk factors for CAD
- To evaluate exercise tolerance when patients have unexplained fatigue and shortness of breath
- To evaluate blood pressure response to exercise in patients with borderline hypertension
- To look for exercise-induced serious irregular heart beats

Ultrasound, also known as sonography, or ultrasonography, is a diagnostic procedure that transmits high-frequency sound waves, inaudible to the human ear, through body tissues. The echoes are recorded and transformed into video or photographic images of the internal structures of the body.
Ultrasound is used to create images of soft tissue structures, such as the gall bladder, liver, heart, kidney, female reproductive organs — and even of fetuses still in the womb. Ultrasound can also detect blockages in the blood vessels.

A mammogram is an x-ray test that produces an image of the inner breast tissue on film. This technique, called mammography, is used to visualize normal and abnormal structures within the breasts. Mammography, therefore, can help in identifying cysts, calcifications, and tumors within the breast. It is currently the most effective way to detect early breast cancer.
The American Cancer Society and the American College of Surgeons currently recommend that a woman obtain her first baseline mammogram between the ages of 35 to 40. Between the ages of 40 to 50 a mammogram should be done every other year. After the age of 50, a mammogram should be repeated yearly. Women who are at high risk for developing breast cancer may need to obtain mammograms earlier than these recommendations and at more frequent intervals.

A colonoscopy allows a doctor to look inside the entire large intestine. The procedure enables the physician to see things such as inflamed tissue, abnormal growths, and ulcers. It is most often used to look for early signs of cancer in the colon and rectum. It is also used to look for causes of unexplained changes in bowel habits and to evaluate symptoms like abdominal pain, rectal bleeding, and weight loss.

Endoscopy allows physicians to peer through the body’s passageways. Endoscopy is the examination and inspection of the interior of body organs, joints or cavities through an endoscope. An endoscope is a device using fiber optics and powerful lens systems to provide lighting and visualization of the interior of a joint. The portion of the endoscope inserted into the body may be rigid or flexible, depending upon the medical procedure.